Fluffy pancakes on a dry skillet

Fluffy pancakes on a dry skillet

Among the ways to treat yourself to cozy food and simultaneously save fermented dairy products, pancakes are a leader. Every family has its own recipe: some cook with yeast, some with sourdough, some use soured milk, while others specifically look for kefir. This time, we suggest finding kefir and making super-fluffy pancakes without oil – practically a diet product.


  •  These pancakes turn out fluffy due to the thickness of the batter and the baking powder. The first factor helps retain their shape, and the baking powder gives a pleasant texture.
  • Fry on a well-heated dry skillet.
  • In the UK, kefir is sold in almost all supermarkets, so there’s no need to go to an Eastern European store. Drinkable yogurt or ayran can also be used for these pancakes (they will be unsweetened in this case). If you decide to use sweet yogurt, add a bit less sugar. 
  • The recipe is designed so that the liquid part is an egg and something resembling kefir in thickness. If you decide to use milk, you will need to add more flour to achieve the desired texture.


  • Kefir – 1 cup
  • Flour – ¾ cup
  • Egg – 1 piece
  •  Salt – ⅓ teaspoon
  • Sugar – ¼ cup
  • Baking powder – ½ teaspoon


  1. Crack the egg into a bowl, add sugar and kefir, and mix well
  2. .Add salt and baking powder to the flour, then gradually mix the flour into the liquid mixture. It’s best to do this in two or three stages. The batter should be very thick.
  3. Heat the skillet well, then spoon the batter onto it. It’s convenient to do this with a tablespoon, one spoonful of batter per pancake. The batter will not spread out – this is intended. They should be at least 7-10 millimeters thick. 
  4. When bubbles appear on the pancakes, flip them, press them down slightly, and fry until done.
  5. Eat with condensed milk, jam, cream cheese, or any other favorite topping
  6.  Enjoy your meal!

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