How to become an it-girl: 7 steps to becoming an icon in the fashion industry

How to become an it-girl: 7 steps to becoming an icon in the fashion industry

Columnists, Culture, Lifestyle

3 min.

Being an it-girl is a state of mind – if you want to be an it-girl, just be one.

The pursuit of success is a unique lifestyle. If your goal is to get a thousand likes under your post, it has nothing to do with being an it-girl. If you’re interested in fashion, want to look stylish, enjoy parties and meetings with new and unfamiliar people, want all eyes on you, paparazzi at your windows, and people whispering and criticizing you on social media, then if you’ve answered “yes” to all these questions, you’re on your way to becoming an it-girl.

How to become an it-girl: 7 steps to becoming an icon in the fashion industry | London Cult.
Being an it-girl is a state of mind – if you want to be an it-girl, just be one.

The pursuit of success is a unique lifestyle. If your goal is to get a thousand likes under your post, it has nothing to do with being an it-girl. If you’re interested in fashion, want to look stylish, enjoy parties and meetings with new and unfamiliar people, want all eyes on you, paparazzi at your windows, and people whispering and criticizing you on social media, then if you’ve answered “yes” to all these questions, you’re on your way to becoming an it-girl.

In the past, charming girls with impressive styles achieved the “it” status through hard work, while some simply found themselves in the right place at the right time. Then they developed useful connections and finances that could be invested in their careers.

Today, being an it-girl is the result of systematic teamwork: publicists, stylists, makeup artists, content creators, press, and social media. Launching a social career has turned into an industry in its own right. The most important thing is to find a specialist who can create media buzz around you, promote and sustain interest in you.

And let’s not forget, you need that “it-factor.”
Defining the IT-Factor – It’s not for sale, and yet it is one of the most sought after things in the world. Charisma!

Originally, the word charisma meant “grace” or “talent from G-d.” Later on it became the “gift of leadership, power of authority, or charm that can inspire, influence, and motivate others.”

Some believe charisma is elusive and exclusive. Either we’re blessed with it from birth, or we were born to be bland.

What exactly is the IT factor? To put things concretely, the IT factor is a combination of confidence, charm, charisma, and good self-esteem, meaning it can take your life to the next level and open plenty of doors to you.

To find your IT factor relies on self awareness. This is about knowing your natural gifts and strengths you have to highlight. When your true talents are in full expression, you’re in alignment with your power. And presenting yourself from this connection is the number one way to create irresistible confidence.

“IT” is that elusive, sexy quality that’s hard to define. It’s charisma, magnetism, strategic vision, and business acumen, and it may not have anything to do with sexuality at all. People who have the “IT” factor have influence. They have social equity with their peers because when they talk, people listen.

Top 7 rules you’ll need to build an It-girl career.

Self-Acceptance. It’s impossible to create something unique for yourself if you’re judging yourself.

How to become an it-girl: 7 steps to becoming an icon in the fashion industry | London Cult.
Openness and Sociability. Successful girls aren’t afraid to show themselves and their world to others – after all, how else can you inspire and lead? An It-girl isn’t afraid of attention. She confidently posts makeup-free photos on Instagram and might admit on Twitter that she’s in tears while rewatching a romantic movie. Embrace your weaknesses and mistakes and don’t hesitate to reveal your vulnerable, touching, and even weak side.

Perseverance. After the 100th failure, the 110th attempt might lead to success. Successful individuals have unlearned giving up after 100 unsuccessful attempts to achieve their desires.

Love and Acceptance of Others. You can’t make anyone fall in love with you if you don’t like the people around you. An It-girl avoids spreading gossip, doesn’t post overly revealing photos, and avoids getting involved in scandals.

Positivity. A successful It-girl is always in a good mood, radiating happiness and always dressed stylishly. It-girls are appealing to guys. Learn to treat them with respect.

An It-girl develops not only intellectually but also psychologically, as she’s always in the spotlight, and unkind actions can undermine her reputation. You don’t need to wear a T-shirt saying “I love everyone!” – you need to become stronger, kinder, and more sensible.

The world of successful people is overflowing, and it might seem there’s no room for another It-girl. Another beauty in white shoes and red lipstick won’t surprise anyone anymore, so a true It-girl doesn’t copy anyone – she becomes her own unique personality.

Charisma is not reserved to Hollywood royalty, or to tycoons or political power brokers. It can’t be bottled and it can’t be bought. You don’t even need an expensive coach to teach you to become more likable and appreciative. Deep down I already know you are charismatic. You just need to show it a bit more.

I guarantee you that when you start taking small steps in the right direction, you will notice a distinct difference. A difference in the way you feel about yourself, and in the way people respond to you.

Use your gifts warmly and wisely, and you will receive much in return!

That I can promise you.

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