Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! | London Cult.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! | London Cult.
Dear Friends,London Cult magazine warmly wishes you a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas!May the coming year bring you inspiration, remarkable discoveries, and unforgettable experiences. We wish you warmth, comfort, good health, and the fulfillment of your boldest dreams.Thank…
Neftiba / Unsplash

Full jingle bells! 

Neftiba / Unsplash
December. A magical time for wishes, advent calendars, gifts, and vacations. Therefore, our December selection will not have anything unexpected, dramatic, or terribly distressing. Only joy, only gifts, only amazing theatrical experiences, shrouded in a sparkling haze of happiness. It’s…
A sale sign. Photo: Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Is it worth buying on Black Friday?

A sale sign. Photo: Markus Spiske / Unsplash
Black Friday is no longer just a day, but a whole period of frenzy in UK supermarkets and shops: some sales started in mid-November, and many will last until Cyber Monday (2 December). Argos, Aldi, Tesco and Amazon are just…
Neanderthals. Image by Zdeněk Burian / WikiMedia Commons

Where did Humans come from? A course of lectures

Neanderthals. Image by Zdeněk Burian / WikiMedia Commons
For millennia, philosophers, priests, and poets have debated whether the spirit or body has primacy in humans. These debates are vibrant and fascinating, but they rarely lead to conclusions. However, when biologists joined the discussion, answers slowly began to emerge,…