About this event
3 hours 30 minutes Mobile eTicket
The event will feature a pitch session for early-stage ClimateTech startups, followed by a panel exploring the future of the energy infrastructure and the emerging opportunities for startups.
Our esteemed panellists include Matthew Sherburne (Venture Principal at Shell Ventures), John Greasley (Chair of GB Interconnectors’ Forum), Dr. Micol Chiesa Churchill (Investment Director, Planet Positive Lab), Sergey Donskoy, (First Imagine! Ventures ) and Nastasya Savina (Head of 1step2market) as a moderator.
Pitch session
Why Participate?
This is a unique chance to pitch to investors of this calibre and gain insightful feedback that could help refine your strategy, positioning and presentation. Furthermore, you will receive constructive feedback from the audience of peers, students and London Business School alums.
Important Facts:
• Entry for the pitch session is FREE.
• Only five startups will be chosen to present.
• Each pitch & Q&A lasts no longer than 5 minutes.
• The deadline for submissions is the 11th of May, EOD.
• The selection committee decision will be announced by Monday, the 15th of May EOD.
Apply to pitch (https://form.typeform.com/to/czuWbJ7v)
Panel: Key Topics
The energy infrastructure will change to incorporate a larger proportion of renewables in the energy mix. According to the IPCC report, the most significant challenges are power balancing, efficient energy storage and transmission. Is there a place for startups in this changing landscape? Are there tasks that they can and should solve? Is there a place for the small companies in the industry, traditionally dominated by multibillion-CAPEX projects?
Supporting partners
Organizational partner: Energy and Environment Club of the London Business School (http://clubs.london.edu/energyenvironment/home/)
LBS is one of the top global business schools with a vast audience of 150,000+ students and alums from 130 countries working in startups, funds and corporations.
Research Partner: NetZero Insights. (https://netzeroinsights.com/)
NetZero Insights help decision-makers scout and assess the climate tech solutions they need to make the transition happen. Sort over 45K+ climate startups in Europe and North America, and gain access to hard-to-find data such as patents, contacts, impact metrics, traction, funding and deals.