

Love guided by the Kotapska sisters | London Cult.

Love guided by the Kotapska sisters

Love guided by the Kotapska sisters | London Cult.
There is hardly anyone in Great Britain who has not watched the 2003 Christmas romcom Love actually written and directed by Richard Curtis. We all remember the intertwined stories of the writer Jamie (the handsomest role of Colin Firth) finding…
Frieze 2023: Conclusion | London Cult.

Frieze 2023: Conclusion

Frieze 2023: Conclusion | London Cult.
This year’s Frieze marked the 20th anniversary of “one the world’s most influential contemporary art fairs” (as its founders humbly describe their project), and the vibes at this utmost esteemed event lived up to the expectations of the single most…
London’s cutest (cat)cafes | London Cult.

London’s cutest (cat)cafes

London’s cutest (cat)cafes | London Cult.
Catcafe is a cafe where cat lovers can enjoy the company of these pets and play with them. This cute phenomenon appeared not so long ago, at the turn of the 21st century in Taiwan. There, this concept of socialising…